Step into elegance with this luxurious Ankara silk set, designed to turn heads and offer unmatched comfort. Perfect for making a statement while embracing cultural fashion. Product Details: Top: Crafted from premium Ankara silk, featuring chic feather details around the sleeves for a touch of glamour. Bottom: Matching Ankara silk pants with an elastic waistband for a comfortable and flattering fit. Waistband: Stretchable elastic waistband designed for versatility and ease of wear. Model Details: Model is 5'7" tall for reference. Features: This Ankara silk set is ideal for formal events, dinner parties, or stylish casual outings. The feather sleeve detail adds a unique flair, making this outfit a standout piece for any occasion. Fabric Care: Dry clean for the best results. Hand wash gently to maintain fabric softness. Machine washable on a delicate cycle.
Step into elegance with this luxurious Ankara silk set, designed to turn heads and offer unmatched comfort. Perfect for making a statement while embracing cultural fashion. Product Details: Top: Crafted from premium Ankara silk, featuring chic feather details around the sleeves for a touch of glamour. Bottom: Matching Ankara silk pants with an elastic waistband for a comfortable and flattering fit. Waistband: Stretchable elastic waistband designed for versatility and ease of wear. Model Details: Model is 5'7" tall for reference. Features: This Ankara silk set is ideal for formal events, dinner parties, or stylish casual outings. The feather sleeve detail adds a unique flair, making this outfit a standout piece for any occasion. Fabric Care: Dry clean for the best results. Hand wash gently to maintain fabric softness. Machine washable on a delicate cycle.
Step into elegance with this luxurious Ankara silk set, designed to turn heads and offer unmatched comfort. Perfect for making a statement while embracing cultural fashion.
Product Details:
Top: Crafted from premium Ankara silk, featuring chic feather details around the sleeves for a touch of glamour.
Bottom: Matching Ankara silk pants with an elastic waistband for a comfortable and flattering fit.
Waistband: Stretchable elastic waistband designed for versatility and ease of wear.
Model Details: Model is 5'7" tall for reference.
This Ankara silk set is ideal for formal events, dinner parties, or stylish casual outings. The feather sleeve detail adds a unique flair, making this outfit a standout piece for any occasion.
Fabric Care:
Dry clean for the best results.
Hand wash gently to maintain fabric softness.
Machine washable on a delicate cycle.
Délais de livraison
États-Unis de 3 à 9 jours.
Europe de 5 à 11 jours.
Amérique du Nord de 5 à 11 jours.
International de 10 à 16 jours.
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Article neuf.
Fabrication à la demande sur mesure et personnalisable.
I love the Trouser and Long Vest ensemble! The fabric is stunningly beautiful and I cannot wait wear it out. The seller was professional and very responsive to my questions.
J'adore l'ensemble Trouser and Long Vest! Le tissu est incroyablement beau et je ne peux pas attendre de l'usure. Le vendeur était professionnel et très réactif à mes questions.
Chez ANKA, nous ne croyons pas à l’illusion de tailles prédéfinies. Chaque corps est différent et mérite une tenue tout aussi unique. Du coup, pour utiliser ce guide, nous vous recommandons de plutôt utiliser vos mensurations en cm (comme expliqué ci-dessous) plutôt que des tailles 38,44 ou XL ou autre.
À partir de là, sélectionner une taille pour votre commande et chaque créatrice pourra alors s’assurer de faire une tenue PARFAITE pour VOUS !
Comment mesurer ?
Tour de Cou
Mesurez autour du cou à l'encolure.
Tour de poitrine
Mesurez autour de votre buste là oú il est le plus large en plaçant le mètre ruban sous les bras et par-dessus les omoplates.
Tour de taille
Mesurez au creux de la taille.
Tour de hanche
Gardez les pieds joints et mesurez la partie la plus large.
Crotch tower
Mesurez du haut de l'entrejambe jusqu'à l'os de la cheville.
Beautiful outfit,this went beyond my expectations.
Belle tenue, c'est allé au-delà de mes attentes.
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