Very practical thanks to its format neither too big nor too small, the interior lining is in canvas. ⭐️ More than a tote bag, a real very resistant everyday bag. For the beach, for shopping, it is very practical with a large capacity. There is an inside pocket for your cell phone, wallet It folds and stores easily in a handbag ⭐️ Ideal to carry by hand or on the shoulder, the Tote Bag is the essential accessory to carry your small shopping or personal effects. ⭐️ 100% cotton wax double solid handles Bag length: 40 cm Bag width: 38 cm Handle: 74 cm ⭐️ Machine washable at 30 degrees
Very practical thanks to its format neither too big nor too small, the interior lining is in canvas. ⭐️ More than a tote bag, a real very resistant everyday bag. For the beach, for shopping, it is very practical with a large capacity. There is an inside pocket for your cell phone, wallet It folds and stores easily in a handbag ⭐️ Ideal to carry by hand or on the shoulder, the Tote Bag is the essential accessory to carry your small shopping or personal effects. ⭐️ 100% cotton wax double solid handles Bag length: 40 cm Bag width: 38 cm Handle: 74 cm ⭐️ Machine washable at 30 degrees
Multicolour Material:
Très pratique grâce à son format ni trop grand ni trop petit, la doublure intérieure est en toile.
Plus qu'un tote bag, un veritable sac du quotidien tres resistant.
Pour la plage , pour les courses, il est tres pratique avec une grande contenance.
Il y a une poche intérieure pour votre portable, portefeuille
Il se plie et se range facilement dans un sac a main
Idéal à porter à la main ou sur l’épaule, le Tote Bag est l'accessoire indispensable pour transporter vos petites courses ou effets personnels.
100% coton wax
anses doublement solides
Longueur du sac : 40 cm
Largeur du sac : 38 cm
Anse : 74 cm
Lavable en machine à 30degres
Delivery Delay
France from 3 to 9 days.
United States from 5 to 11 days.
France (DOM) from 6 to 12 days.
Europe from 5 to 11 days.
International from 10 to 16 days.
Refunds and Exchanges
Money back guaranteed 15 days after reception.
Weared and personalized items will not be exchanged or refunded.
Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
I received my order very quickly! Abi informed me that there was a stock shortage on one of the t-shirts, she made me a counter-proposal that I accepted and I am totally satisfied with the quality, the beauty of my purchases!!
J'ai reçu ma commande très rapidement ! Abi m'a informé qu'il y avait une rupture de stock sur un des tee-shirt, elle m'a fait une contre-proposition que j'ai accepté et je suis totalement satisfait de la qualité, de la beauté de mes achats !!
Perfect! Very accommodating saleswoman, the ring I had chosen was out of stock, I was able to choose another model instead And once again I am delighted with my order!
Parfait ! Vendeuse trés arrangeante, la bague que j'avais choisi était en rupture de stock, j'ai pu choisir un autre modéle à la place
Et une fois de plus je suis ravie de ma commande !
One ring was unavailable so I chose a replacement. Along with this, a beautiful gift of earrings were sent as a thank-you. I'm highly satisfied with this order! I love buying hand made things. I will be back again as a customer in the future.
At ANKA, we do not believe in the myth of predefined sizes. Each body is different and deserves an outfit just as unique. Therefore, to use this guide, we recommend using your measurements in inches (as explained below) rather than the "4 to 22" sizes.
From there you can select the corresponding international size for your order, and each seller will then be able to make sure to send the PERFECT fit for YOU!
How to measure ?
Collar size
Measure around the neck at the neck.
Chest size
Measure around your bust where it is wider by placing the tape measure under the arms and over the shoulder blades.
Waist size
Measure in the hollow of the waist.
Hip size
Keep your feet together and measure the widest part.
Crotch tower
Measure the top of the crotch up to the ankle bone.
Perfect as always, neat shipment, items as described. Thanks for the little extra.
Parfait comme toujours, envoi soigné, objets conforme à la description. Merci pour le petit plus.
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