

We deal with all female readymade dress.

  • Money back guarantee
28 days
€0 Free
€0 Free
  • Credit card, Visa, Mastercard, Electron, Maestro, PayPal, ANKA wallet.
  • 3 x payment starting at €60.
Refunds and Exchanges
  • Money back guaranteed 10 days after reception.
  • Weared and personalized items will not be exchanged or refunded.
  • Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
  • Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
Sale Policy

We refund your money back if we can't meet up with the delivery time. We always like to deal with details. We deal with the best quality available,Our customer should note that if you can not provide or respond to our request of the necessary measurements or picture for your order,if we work base on the size you choose , the product can not be return.