
Kisasa Boutique is the uniqueness and beauty of our African Fashion

  • Money back guarantee
  • Tailored and custom made
14 days
€0 Free
  • Credit card, Visa, Mastercard, Electron, Maestro, PayPal, ANKA wallet.
  • 3 x payment starting at €60.
Refunds and Exchanges
  • Money back guaranteed 7 days after reception.
  • Return shipping fees offered.
  • Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.
Sale Policy

E-commerce refers to online business transactions. That means every time you buy and sell. The release of liability will specify the damage that a party, eg. electronic commerce, will be obliged to provide to the other, for example. customer in the event of product failure and must reflect the level of risk involved. It will also specify that the owner of the e-commerce store will not be liable in case of loss, liability, damages (direct, indirect or consequential), bodily injury or expenses of any kind that may be suffered by the customer. Intellectual Property / Trademarks - e-commerce companies are often more vulnerable to intellectual property theft, be it images, design, content, logos, product descriptions or the overall look of your website. An intellectual property clause must ensure that trademarks or brands are not misused in any way and make it clear that nothing in the website shall be construed as granting a license or the right to use a trademark without the consent written prior to the owner of the website. The terms of payment must define the payment terms when purchasing products and / or services on your website. More often than not, full payment is required when an order is placed by a customer. This means that as an e-commerce store, you are not obliged to provide goods until the payment has been received. Some e-commerce sites will state that until payment has been paid, no orders will be shipped. In the event that the payment is not settled, the e-commerce site has the right to cancel the order completely. These additional clauses serve as additional protection for a company. Data protection must indicate how the customer's personal information will be used, stored and protected. Delivery terms must cover both shipping and delivery charges. They usually include delivery costs and the method of calculating shipping costs, but also (in the case of third-party service providers) the quality of delivery can not be guaranteed. Product information and warranties must set clear conditions as to how products can be purchased, if there are restrictions, for example. the restriction of sale for products and services subject to an age restriction, and what happens in the event that a product can not be supplied. Some online stores will also include warranty information in their terms and conditions while others will have a separate warranty policy. Right of Cancellation - This clause must define the circumstances in which the customer has the right to cancel the order, the process in which he must follow to cancel his order and any other requirement, for example. the goods must remain unused and returned in their original packaging. External links are often provided on the sites for the convenience of the user, but there should be a clause stating that the links and associated content are beyond the control of the e-commerce shop owner and that the use should be do at the risk of the user.