
Yidella, is an establishment purposed to bring out the history told through h... Read more

Yidella, is an establishment purposed to bring out the history told through hand dyed African batik to the outer world, promising to showcase of ageless and difference of hand dyed African batiks to the reach of as much as possible while telling a story and bringing out the uniqueness and elegance passed down by generation to generation of African homes by showcasing the beauty of our indigenous fabrics and appreciating our culture and tradition
We are inspired by the color, sound and taste of Africa and its cultures; we blend traditional techniques and materials with a contemporary design aesthetic.
Yidella aim is to provide timeless, unique, designs inspired by African fashion and made with hand dyed African batiks by talented African designers. We aim to also provide affordable and quality African clothing for your boutique and stores globally.

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Côte d'Ivoire
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  • 3 x payment starting at €60.
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  • Money back guaranteed 15 days after reception.
  • Return shipping fees are at your charge and not refunded.
  • Refunds are made on your ANKA virtual wallet. You can use the credit to buy another product or transfer the amount to your bank account.