It has been carefully designed to stand the test of time. Make sure you can wear it for a long time. You can wear them in interesting places at any time of the day, such as walking, dating and going to work. Believe that I really have a lot of advantages, such as materials, ventilation, style, you need to wear them to feel. It has a range of details that will make you stand out. No matter how long you wear it, it will continue to maintain its solid form. This set will give you a casual and stylish look. You'd better have a set because it keeps you comfortable all day. Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you.Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you. If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.
It has been carefully designed to stand the test of time. Make sure you can wear it for a long time. You can wear them in interesting places at any time of the day, such as walking, dating and going to work. Believe that I really have a lot of advantages, such as materials, ventilation, style, you need to wear them to feel. It has a range of details that will make you stand out. No matter how long you wear it, it will continue to maintain its solid form. This set will give you a casual and stylish look. You'd better have a set because it keeps you comfortable all day. Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you.Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you. If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.
Cheveux raides Couleur:
Multicolore Genre:
Pour Lui Matière:
It has been carefully designed to stand the test of time. Make sure you can wear it for a long time. You can wear them in interesting places at any time of the day, such as walking, dating and going to work. Believe that I really have a lot of advantages, such as materials, ventilation, style, you need to wear them to feel.
It has a range of details that will make you stand out. No matter how long you wear it, it will continue to maintain its solid form. This set will give you a casual and stylish look. You'd better have a set because it keeps you comfortable all day.
Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you.Are you always looking for a store with the best creativity, inspiration and soul enhancement? We can always get something that surprises you.
If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.If the item is good, please give a five-star rating. Your praise is the driving force for our continuous efforts.
Délais de livraison
Ghana de 13 à 19 jours.
France (métropolitaine) de 14 à 20 jours.
États-Unis de 14 à 20 jours.
Afrique de 15 à 21 jours.
International de 14 à 20 jours.
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Article neuf.
Fabrication à la demande sur mesure et personnalisable.
Chez ANKA, nous ne croyons pas à l’illusion de tailles prédéfinies. Chaque corps est différent et mérite une tenue tout aussi unique. Du coup, pour utiliser ce guide, nous vous recommandons de plutôt utiliser vos mensurations en cm (comme expliqué ci-dessous) plutôt que des tailles 38,44 ou XL ou autre.
À partir de là, sélectionner une taille pour votre commande et chaque créatrice pourra alors s’assurer de faire une tenue PARFAITE pour VOUS !
Comment mesurer ?
Tour de Cou
Mesurez autour du cou à l'encolure.
Tour de poitrine
Mesurez autour de votre buste là oú il est le plus large en plaçant le mètre ruban sous les bras et par-dessus les omoplates.
Tour de taille
Mesurez au creux de la taille.
Tour de hanche
Gardez les pieds joints et mesurez la partie la plus large.
Crotch tower
Mesurez du haut de l'entrejambe jusqu'à l'os de la cheville.
Items received. They arrived fast
Articles reçus. Ils sont arrivés rapidement
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